Recount Text Name : M. Wildan Alghofari Class : IBB'18 No : 22 my experience of taught my little brother About a week ago, I had a school assignment to gave what we have to others. I chosen to shared my basic knowledge of English with my little brother. Then, After that told it in recount text. And this, is the first time I made recount text. At first, I thought about what I would do. Suddenly, I had an idea to taught basic english when I saw my two little brother was played. Given that, because they are currently still in kindergarten and it certainly won't be too conducive to school online. About two days ago I just started worked on this assignment, because I was also busy with school exams. And I thought on holidays, I just taught them. Yesterday after the exam, I started looked for some materials on the internet. I used image media to facilitate delivery of the material I explained to my little brothers. After I edited the pictures and...
WEEK 1 I choose point number 10 SOS4 LOVE : "Invites to raise money by online, to give to people who are really underprivileged and can avoid social inequality." I choose point number 10 because I think the SDGS are needed at a time like this. Point number 10 takes on the topic of social disparity, where social inequality should be reduced and eliminated. At the time of the covid pandemic, the economy is also unstable. Especially for poor people who are suspended from work due to these conditions. Therefore, social inequality is set primarily in big cities. So I took the initiative to bring in, raise funds and be given to people who really needed them. Although government subsidies exist and may be sufficient, but the government does not focus on just one person. And the government subsidizes aid in shifts and has to wait. Therefore, with our help at least we help for their daily sustenance. WEEK 2 (Helmet) My motto is : Loving with sos4love, protecting the SDGS. Expl...